Natural Remedy: Dry Brushing Mosquito Bites
Quite by accident, we’ve discovered a great natural remedy for the awful itch of mosquito bites. As soon as a bug bite starts to appear and itch, scratch it with a dry brush that you’d use for body exfoliation. The immediate benefit is that it will be the most satisfying itch you ever scratched.
Secondly, you will notice that your bite does not continue to itch. If it does, scratch it with the brush again. At most, I’ve had to do this three times before it stopped itching permanently, but usually once or twice does it.
And finally, unlike scratching your itches the traditional way, the dry brush will not break the skin or leave any redness or scabs whatsoever.
We’ve been getting eaten up by mosquitoes pretty good this summer and the dry brush has worked like a charm for us. It also works great for rashes.
Give it a try and let us know if it works for you too!
2 Comments Posted by Diana | Category: Articles
Wow! What good advice. Mercifully I haven’t been bitten lately, though I think Angel cat may have fleas. Any advice on that?
Get that flea medicine that goes between their shoulder blades. Frontline or Top Spot. Nothing works better than that stuff.
I don’t like to use toxic poisons either, but this stuff will kill the fleas and keep them gone. They say to use it every month but I’ve found that I can use it once a year and that does the trick for me. In warmer climates, I’ve had to use it 2 or 3 times in the summer.
Since you are way up north and you have indoor cats, you may be able to use it just once and never again.
Chances are both the cats have fleas if one of them does.