Bell Peppers

Bell Peppers

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Bell peppers originated in Central and South America, but are so versatile that they are now considered a staple food throughout much of the world.

Bell peppers are found in a variety of colors, each with different nutritional advantages. While the green peppers are usually less expensive, the other colors tend to have higher levels of many vitamins and minerals. It is best to eat a variety of bell peppers to enjoy the most nutritional benefits from them.

According to the Environmental Walking Group, non-organic bell peppers have the 3rd highest amount of pesticide residue of 43 of the most common fruits and vegetables so it is best to choose organic peppers.

Serving size: 1 cup chopped
Region: Throughout many parts of the world

Health Benefits

Eyes/Vision Help protect against cataracts. Red bell peppers may help prevent blindness associated with old age.


Chlorophyll N/A N/A Found in green bell peppers.
Silicon N/A N/A Found in the skin.
Vitamin A 4666 IU 93% Only red bell peppers contain significant amounts of vitamin A.
Vitamin B6 0.3 mg 17% Red bell peppers contain as much as .4 mg of B6.
Vitamin C 120 mg 200% This value refers to green bell peppers. Red bell peppers contain nearly 200 mg and yellow bell peppers contain nearly 300 mg per serving.