Leafy Greens - General

The most commonly found leafy greens in grocery stores are lettuce, kale, chard, collards, spinach, beat greens, carrot tops, cilantro, dandelion greens, and parsley. Many greens such as nettles, lambsquarters, and dandelions, can be found growing wild all over North America. Wild greens have higher mineral content than even organically farmed greens.
Green leafy vegetables, when eaten raw, are some of the best plant-based sources of amino acids, the building blocks of protein. They are easiest to digest and assimilate when well blended, juiced, or thoroughly chewed. Green smoothies are an increasingly popular way to get high quantities of greens into the diet on a daily basis.
It is important to rotate your greens. Eating one type of raw greens for an extended period of time can cause the build up of toxins in the body. Also, since each type of leafy green vegetable is high in different essential amino acids, eating a wide variety will ensure that your body is getting all the amino acids it needs to build protein.
Check out Victoria Boutenko's Green for Life, for an excellent discussion on the importance of greens in the human diet.
Health Benefits
Body Odor | Blended or chewed well, leafy greens cleanse the system of toxins that cause body odor. |
Bones | The combination of calcium and magnesium they contain make all leafy greens an important component of bone health and maintenance. |
Digestion - General | When eaten raw, leafy greens stimulate digestion and digestive enzymes. |
Hair | Reverse greying of hair. Should be well blended to assimilate available nutrients. |
Hormone Balance | Provide a wide variety of nutrients necessary to maintain proper hormone balance. |
Immune System - General | Provide essential nutrients to the endocrine system and make the body more alkaline, thereby strengthening immunity. |
Sleep Cycle | Most provide tryptophan which aids in sleep. They make a light, low-fat meal, which allows for a peaceful night's rest. |
Calcium | N/A | N/A | |
Chlorophyll | N/A | N/A | All green plants, but especially the leaves, are major sources of chlorophyll. |
Magnesium | N/A | N/A | Magnesium is a component of the chlorophyll molecule and is necessary for the absorption of calcium. |
Protein/Amino Acids | N/A | N/A | Provide all essential amino acids, particularly when a variety of greens are eaten. Best when eaten raw and well blended in a green smoothie. |
Sodium | N/A | N/A |